Helpful Links

Keep abreast of the latest with restoring passenger service on the FEC rail corridor
Development of the state-initiated “Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project” to enable Amtrak to operate passenger train service on the FEC corridor between Jacksonville and Miami with new stations in eight cities.

Form-Based Codes Institute
Sponsored by the Form-Based Codes Institute, this web page provides the definition of Form-Based Codes, why they are used, and how they are comprised.

Anthony James Catanese Center for Urban & Environmenal Solutions at Florida Atlantic University
This website contains links to local news stories related to urban planning, economic development, and the environment - updated daily! Site also has a complete list of upcoming events in the area and numerous resources for planners and community builders.

Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association
Contains resources for planners in Florida, including events, legislative updates, bi-weekly newsletter, and jobs listing.

Florida's Showcase Green Envirohome™

Seattle's Sustainable Building Tool
It is a practical how-to-tool that assists in implementing the sustainable building policy. Integrated Design Tools and best practice information are sorted by project type.
Information on New Urbanism including books, events and other resources. Includes a New Urbanism Marketplace professional services director.

The New Urbanism Division of the American Planning Association
The purpose of the New Urbanism Division is to provide planners, public officials, and other decision-makers with the information, support, and tools needed to eliminate restrictive conventional development regulations and allow New Urbanism patterns to be incorporated in all communities.

ULI - the Urban Land Institute of Southeast Florida
The local district council of the ULI in Southeast Florida sponsors programs throughout the year focusing on the best practices for real estate development.

University of Miami School of Architecture